Identify & Understand Problems To Watch For In Growing Children

Children go through significant developmental phases with their jaws and teeth as they get older. Orthodontic treatment may be necessary to help spot bite problems to watch for in growing children in Putnam, Connecticut. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, kids should have their first orthodontic examination by age seven. Early identification can help avoid more serious problems and facilitate treatment in the future!

What Are Some Bite Problems To Watch For In Growing Children?

Bite Problems

  • Crossbite of Front Teeth: When the top teeth are behind the bottom teeth.
  • Crossbite of Back Teeth: Top teeth that are to the inside of the bottom set of teeth.
  • Crowding: When there is not enough space for the teeth, they overlap, twist, or are pushed to the front or back.
  • Open Bite: Involves the upper and lower front teeth not touching each other when the mouth is closed.
  • Protrusion: Also known as “buck” teeth, protrusion develops when the front tooth extends too far forward or lower teeth do not extend far enough forward.
  • Deep Bite: Commonly referred to as “overbite”, this bite issue occurs when the upper teeth excessively cover the bottom teeth vertically.
  • Underbite: This occurs when the lower jaw sits in front of the upper jaw, causing the lower front teeth to sit in front of the upper front teeth.
  • Spacing: When gaps or spaces develop in between teeth.
  • Oral Habits: Thumb sucking, mouth breathing, and teeth grinding or clenching are all oral habits that are important to watch out for in your child.

Why Early Orthodontics Are Important For Children

A thorough checkup is designed to reveal the state of your child’s bite. Even if your child’s smile appears straight, our orthodontist may be able to spot subtle problems with jaw growth. They can detect certain developing issues and will advise parents and/or guardians on whether to keep an eye on their child's growth and development before starting treatment. In certain situations, our orthodontist can achieve desirable results that are not achievable once the child’s face and jaws have finished growing.

Our orthodontist uses early orthodontics to:

  • Guide jaw growth
  • Detect early or late loss of baby teeth
  • Lower the risk of trauma to protruded front teeth
  • Correct harmful oral habits
  • Improve appearance
  • Guide permanent teeth into a more favorable position
  • Create a more pleasing arrangement of teeth, lips, and face

Even if your child is older than seven, that does not mean it’s too late for a checkup! Green Valley Orthodontist provides young patients of all ages with the necessary treatments at the most appropriate time. Call us to schedule your little one’s orthodontic treatment today!

Contact Green Valley Orthodontics About Problems To Watch For In Growing Children Today!

  • Spot bite issues early on
  • Cultivate lasting bonds with our friendly team
  • Prevent more serious malocclusions from arising
  • Discover how to help your child maintain optimal oral health
  • Protect your child’s smile!